Instructions for Self~Care Vaginal Steam:
This steaming practice is intended for use with one of our Vaginal Steam Blends from Sun Moon Apothecary.
Vaginal steaming is a Medicine Woman practice stemming from indigenous earth-based healing. Many cultures still practice vaginal steaming and it has recently become popular in the west. Not only is vaginal steaming good for the physical body, it’s also very helpful for the emotional and spiritual aspect of women. Many women find steaming to be helpful in releasing energy from past lovers and sexual trauma. It is a relaxing experience, the steam opens the pores of the vagina while the herbs are able to be directly absorbed into the vaginal tissue, delivering the plant’s medicinal effects straight to the source.
A vaginal steam setup can be very simple. A woman may kneel or squat over a small pot with a fabric wrapped around the pelvic region to contain the steam. It can be more comfortable with a vaginal steam seat placed over the small pot, so a woman can sit over the steam. There are also vaginal steam saunas, where you place the pot of steam inside an inclosed sauna box with a seat over it. The steam stays contained in the box so fabric is not necessarily needed to wrap around the pelvis to contain the steam.
There are many benefits to vaginal steaming:
Increased moisture
Increased libido and sexual sensation
Heightened fertility
Release old endometrial lining
Circulation improvement
Regulate menstrual cycle
Decreased PMS symptoms
Reduced menstrual cramps
Balance vaginal microbial flora
Release sexual trauma
Dissolve ovarian fibroids and cysts
Water retention disbursement
Emotional balance and release
Skin beautification
Tightened and lifted vaginal canal
Scar softening
Postpartum support
Ease inflammation
Never steam when you are:
Pregnant, menstruating, bleeding or spotting between menstruation, after ovulation when trying to conceive.
This formula is gentle and refreshing. Effective at keeping womb health optimal and thriving. Keeps the circulation of your womb and vagina flowing freely, which prevents and brings healing to common women’s reproductive distress. A great blend for postpartum support. Steaming keeps us connected to our root, the foundation of life.
Add 4 - 8 cups of water in a large pot.
Add 3 Tablespoons of herbal blend to water.
Put lid on pot & gently bring to a simmer.
Take off heat & infuse herbs with lid on for 10 minutes.
Place pot in your steam sauna or onto floor with a towel underneath.
Remove lid of pot & allow steam to cool to a comfortable temperature.
Sit on steam sauna or squat over pot, with fabric wrapped around waist to keep steam contained in pelvis area.
Steam for 10 - 20 minutes.
Best to steam either a.) once a week b.) a couple of days before you menstruate and a couple of days when done menstruating.
This herbal steam formula is designed to support a woman who is experiencing vaginal infections and STD's. It works to clear excess mucus, creating a vaginal environment where excess yeast and unbeneficial bacteria can not thrive. Detox what does not serve you and restore your vagina's natural balance.
Damp Infections
(Excess mucus/discharge): Steam 10 days in a row.
Dry Infections (No excess mucus/discharge): Steam 10 days in a row. If steaming increases burning sensation, do NOT steam. Instead, soak in sitz bath made with herbal formula for 10 days.
Add 4 - 8 cups of water in a large pot.
Add 3 Tablespoons of herbal blend to water.
Put lid on pot & gently bring to a simmer.
Allow the herbs to simmer for 10 minutes.
Take off of heat & infuse herbs with lid on for 5 minutes.
Place pot in your steam sauna or onto floor with a towel underneath.
Remove lid of pot & allow steam to cool to a comfortable temperature. Sit on steam sauna or squat over pot, with fabric wrapped around waist to keep steam contained in pelvis area.
Steam for 10 - 20 minutes.
Written by Emily Karnis of Sun Moon Apothecary. "Healing takes time and devotion. When we create space to pay attention to our bodies, bringing awareness, presence and love to ourselves, miracles can happen. May this information along with the products and services at Sun Moon Apothecary empower you to take healing into your own hands, rooting & rising in a deeper connection to self, truly uniting the mind & body to achieve a state of living in balance."